Goodbye civilization

Goodbye civilization

Yes. Goodbye. Driving in to Vegas today, then will spend the next 24 hours somewhere in the middle of nowhere, deep in the desert, probably under the approach pattern for that loooonnnng ass north-south runway at the Groom Lake airfield. Anyway, some phun images for you to ponder. Or I haven’t had enough caffeine yet and everything seems phun. Planning to...

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Defcon 21 experience: it begins

Defcon 21 experience: it begins

So I’m in Boulder City, Nevada. Drinking beer, eating Mexican food, getting ramped up for Defcon. Night one in Nevada I’m staying in quaint (or is that flea-bag?) motel. Actually not too bad (knock on wood). We stayed here last year. Drive down to the room, and what is parked next to our building but a 1980’s vintage 38 ft Wellcraft Scarab!...

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Heading to Defcon 21

Heading to Defcon 21

Yep, that time of year again. Heading to Defcon. Road trip style. Saturday I’m on a panel about “hardware hacking with microcontrollers“. I also have a talk in the Hardware Hacking Village on “Infrared Technologies and Tricks”. ShortGrrl will be cutting ‘hawks with the Mohawk cutting crew. If you’re there, come find us!...

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Architectural LED Tear-down Report

Architectural LED Tear-down Report

It’s amazing what some people will throw away, isn’t it? So, I get an early morning call from a friend whose title is, get this “Director of Visitor Experience”, which I think I’m quite qualified to claim for some visitors…but anyway, my buddy calls me and says “hey, are you interested in some LED lights?” Well,...

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