Portable LabCam

Portable LabCam

Ok, sure, I could’ve bought something like this, but I had some extra parts from a project that involved shooting a camera out of a 40mm grenade launcher. Yes, that’s what I said. Why do you people keep making me repeat myself? Anyway, I had a bunch of parts around, so this was my quick and dirty weekend project. The goal: a wireless camera that I...

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Defcon 20 Short Story Entry

Defcon 20 Short Story Entry

Not my best work. If I were to redo this one, I would add more defcon related events over the life of the computer, with the machine remembering many of the major events of defcon. My friends know the challenges in my life in the months prior to Defcon this year; though reasons aren’t excuses. The timestamp of the computer’s death/transition was...

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“What pretentious crap!” No, that’s wrong. “How pretentious!” Arg, that’s wrong too. I mean, how pretentious is it to call your product line “invincible”? And to put this little knight guy on it? Yet, their product is nearly as good as the claim. I’ve got a couple in the lab. Big, ugly, heavy desks,...

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Kickstarter, Hardware, and Project Failure

Kickstarter, Hardware, and Project Failure

When I’m not picking locks, listening to The Crystal Method, or hacking hardware, I actually get involved in legitimate businesses and business dealings. For the past few years I have volunteered my time to judge the “innovation” prize in a statewide collegiate business plan competition. It has always been a rewarding experience, even if...

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Microchip Myths

Microchip Myths

I’ve used Microchip PIC family microcontrollers practically my entire career in engineering, since the 16C54 days. I do consider myself a fan of Microchip. That said, I think that Arduino is a wonderful platform, giving technology accessibility, open source, and a strong code and project base to the masses. I still lean on the hardware hackers and makers I...

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