WayBack: T/S1000

WayBack: T/S1000

So this recent thread about “your first bit of code” on the Defcon forums got me thinking about my old T/S1000, my first computer. The Timex/Sinclair 1000 was a Z-80 based home computer, back in the VIC20 TV-as-monitor era. I actually thought it a bit amazing, consider it’s super simplistic design. A Z-80, a 6116 2kx8 SRAM, a PROM, some glue...

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WayBack: Discrete 74xx Project

WayBack: Discrete 74xx Project

I’m still geeking out over this. So, some twitter discussion got me digging through boxes of old lab junk for an 80186 SBC I built for a class while working on my undergrad. In the same box was another project, a timer gizmo done for a design lab, again, back in the old college days, designed around 74xx series discrete logic. Let’s see what all...

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WayBack: Wire-wrap? 80186?

WayBack: Wire-wrap? 80186?

AST Cell so tweeted: “So there was an 80186 chip! #LearnedSomethingToday” To which I replied: “Yeah, it was basically an 8086 with a couple of timers for #embedded. Built a wire wrap SBC with 80186 when I did my undergrad.” (SBC = “single board computer”. Wow, yes, imagine that, a whole computer, on a single circuit board....

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WayBack: Defcon V

WayBack:  Defcon V

A pic of me and friend at Defcon 5, at the Aladdin. T-shirt says “In this age of digital Darwinism, some of us are ones. You’re a zero” Rest of outfit is leather, Swiss camo, AT&T buttset, and handcuffs. Photo taken by ShortGrrl, with a film type...

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